It is the beginning of the eruption that will occur within the mouths of men. That which will be spoken and agreed to that will bring doom and disaster upon mankind for the pleasure of the few.
It is the rising pestilence and plagues released with the spoken word. It is the compilation of that which was prophesied and the demented actions of the few. It will come to pass.
As all that has been release there is even the more which comes due to the insistence of those which seek only to place themselves and those which are being targeted and used by the evil one.
The great boil and infection upon society has come to a monumental height. It will continue to grow as the rivers of sin and unbelief cause those to become steadfast in their desire to perform evil. It is so.
For those that know Me must come to bring power; united and armed that those, the innocent will be protected in Me. I will provide protection and safety to all that desire it. For I desire only to bring joy, happiness and love unto those which call upon Me and my name. In the midst of all, I am here waiting.