Prophetic Words

Prophetic Words
December 1, 2024
I say unto mine, open your eyes and see. Seek the truth and I will give it unto you. Follow Me and I will show you the way. Fear not for I am with you.
November 30, 2024
You must be ready, Oh My child for My coming is soon as evil men have made war upon you. So will I deliver you and bring you forth unto Myself. It will be so and men must know and understand. I am calling you! I know you desire more to know with specificity what will happen, so you may judge what is right and what didn’t happen to make jest. But know that it cannot be for every man to know. It cannot be for every angel to know or being. But you must trust Me; follow the words that have been given to those that speak for Me. Do not worry, you will know the truth and it will resonate with you. Prepare. Prepare for the time is short.
November 19, 2024
Now I say unto My people the time is now; Come unto Me. Know Me. Be with Me. Learn My voice and hear from Me. Be assured that you are well in Me and that I, in you. For in the days ahead there will be no time. No time. I am your Lord. I will not forsake you. Put everything else away and concentrate on Me that you may hear. The time is now and you must be prepared. You must be ready. Receive Me now. Receive Me now. Spread the word of My coming for all to know. Come. Come Now!
November 18, 2024
Trust Me. Let me show you the way. This suffering that will come forth will I give you understanding and refuge. It will not be as before, but you will be in peace and not fear the days ahead. Come unto Me, oh My children and let Me bring you peace. Do not fear the terrors to come. Do not look at that which shall be, but understand and have faith that I will see you through. Hear My words and believe.
November 17, 2024
Do not sleep while the wolf is at the door. Do not dismiss what you hear and only depend on what “you” know. Listen to that which is being said for the words are true; those I will send will declare the word and you will know what to do. “How will I know them?” you will say, “I hear things every day.” Know this and hear what I day to you, through them I will speak and you will know it is true. I say again do not sleep, but stand aware at the door; for evil seeks to come in waves, to kill, steal and destroy.
November 14, 2024
Hear My words..... Do as I have asked. Run into My arms that you may be safe, for danger is near. The acts of men will bring forth destruction and chaos. If you hear Me not, you will not be able to move away from the places; nor hear of their words against you. I am with you. I will not let you fall. But you must tune in and hear Me above the noises that now captivate you; and engulf you and take your attention. Again, I say tune into Me. Listen! Listen!
November 14, 2024
I will say unto mine, this is the work of evil men to disrupt and destroy. Further, they desire to turn you away from Me: to cause your heart to become hardened against Me (for the suffering will be intense) to make you question My love for you and the words I have spoken. But remember, My words are true. My promises are real and I will bring forth unto you all that is needed. Trust in Me. Do not look at that which you see for only in Me does the truth lie.
November 8, 2024
Prepare yourself, Oh My people for the days of lack comes. Prepare and fill your vessels; but meat in the dark place that you may be full when the days of lack comes. Hide away that to which you treasure for the thieves come to loot, kill and destroy. Keep your eyes upon Me that you will know for mine shall not be caught lacking; nor overtaken by surprise. Ready yourself and I will bring understanding to you. Seek Me and hear My words. Prepare! Prepare!
November 7, 2024
Do not fear the works of evil men. For the plots and plans will come forth to steal that which was given unto you. Know also that the hand that now leads will seek to steal and take away that which has been said. But it will not be so, even with the plan of harm to be done against innocents as they sound the alarm. But know there is no truth, only a way to disturb men deep in their soul and force them another way. Do not believe. Do not receive. Stand firm in Me and you will see that it is all a lie; a plan; a plot to move that from within out. But again, I say, In me, Fear Not! Look not at what the eyes will see. Keep your focus only on Me and I will show you the way.
November 5, 2024
Fear Not! For I am God. I will govern and protect My people. The things of men will not change My love for you or My dedication to you. Be anxious not for I will protect you and all will be well. Fear Not. Be anxious not! For I am your God.
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