February 20, 2025
Do not believe the words of mortal men that come forth with “thus saith the Lord” for they come for mammon, fame and glory as they receive from the evil one. They come to bring followers and gain the attention by the signs and wonders “they” bring. Be warned, for their focus will be on themselves and not Me. They will be a distractor made to confuse and to remove those that genuinely seek Me. Woe be unto those that do not hear my voice and allow wicked words to cause you to make the wrong choice. Listen unto Me and you will see “before” that which will comes, comes; and that which will be, will be. Trust only in Me. Seek out no man; for men now only seek that which can be placed in their hands. The time is now to be with Me; to have you ears attuned and your focused on Me, for in all that comes through I will faithful unto you; and all will be well.