The information contained within this website is a gift from the Holy Spirit to alert and prepare the body of Christ for the times to come.
He has chosen to speak through earthen vessels that will submit themselves and hunger for the things of the Spirit.
Prophetic Revelation has been called for this time to present the word of the Lord and its prophetic revelation to his people.
Yes...but who is PR? Why isn't the name of the prophets given?
The prophetic words garnered have come forth to those whom have sacrificed and laid before the Lord to receive that which is now given to you. Look not unto the vessel; but, seek the revelation contained within the word.
It is the desire of the Lord God that all glory be given unto Him and not man; that no man would glory in that which He has given.
Our prayer is for the Holy Spirit to speak to you with confirmation and revelation.
Blessings, be unto you!!!