It is time to speak and men must know plainly. They will only heed the warnings if they can see it for themselves; and as it has been spoken, men believed because they saw miracles; and they saw all that they believed would not happen, come to pass.
Such as with this time, men must see, so they will believe. Many will not. Many will still believe that it is a joke or farce. They will turn away, but many will not.
It is now time for as the dark days come, men will not receive protection or warning.
In these days will men turn against men and they will roam around looking for those they can devour.
In every way will they seek that of others and it will not be safe for a time.
It is the beginning now, but there is a prominent act coming.
All must be prepared. Prepare, I say. Hear my words for the days ahead will cause pain and hurt to many. I will say unto those, come unto Me that I may grant you wisdom and protections; that I may show you the way and keep you close to Me protected and all will be well.