Often times my anointed will be called upon to openly demonstrate that of which is and that which shall be. It is only through demonstration that men will see and understand. It is in this, that the reward will come forth as mine operate in obedience; true obedience.
As the door has been opened and the cloak removed, now can a man see what lies secretly behind; that which is wicked and evil. As man has turned away, even will there be more stripping away and the entirety of exposed.
More great men will step forward in open defiance of Me and My word. More will consider safe the acts of their hand as there has not been a recourse. Further, shall even the more wicked come forth in great defiance.
But I will have those that will speak for Me renounce their birth and their evil sayings and doings. And they will speak the words of judgment that will come forth to cast down the works of their hands and destroy the paths of their feet. So, it will be so