I will give unto mine the day and the time; and prepare they will do for that which is now planned comes to wreak havoc and destroy too.
Evil men have said the word to change all you know and believe. A simple chore filled with lies to make it easy to deceive.
And many will believe, for they know no other way and have not heard of this evil day. But I will send forth my prophets who will speak and say; and give the great warnings before this terrible day.
So, hear as they speak and know too that turning to Me is what you must do. For I am here and will always be near; to give all My love and give understanding and strategies from above.
Hear Me now I say; do not go by the other way. Come to Me and know My love for you is true, and I will show you what you must do.
Listen to the prophets! They speak for Me and will tell you the way and the truth to which you can rely.
I will be there and hear every cry.
Trust in Me and you will see, for it is the only way you may be saved.