The Time is Short!
It is time; for the days are short. I call mine, those that know Me; that you might hear my words and seek the directions. For I will show you what to do for that which comes. Have no fear for I will protect you and you will be safe.
But know that the wickedness of man is great. And She has thrown away all that I have given her: the land, the treasures, the precious ones. She has turned her face form Me and pursued the ways of evil and wickedness.
No longer will I stay the hand of judgement. I will turn My face away and I will not hear the cries of those that know Me not; and those that have spoken condemnation unto Me; and those which have gone by the way of darkness.
Woe be unto those the seek not the shelter of My arms; and my love and protection.
Woe be unto them.