I have asked you to prepare and “for what?” you say. This looks like any other day. But know you will not see that which will come and bring great destruction to some, and to others too; they will be impacted and know not what to do.
For evil has entered in and each side seeks to win. The more they do without thoughts of you, will bring about this wrong. For they only seek for themselves and not to bring the innocents along.
Prepare, I say. it will soon be clear, to keep all you must have close and your needful things near. This is not the time to say, “not today! I don’t have time; I’ll do it another day.”
But the time is now and I will show you how. But you must be sure and speak the word, to all those that have not heard. For in Me, there is true victory and I give the gift for free; Salvation and freedom when you come unto Me.
So, fear not and know I am with you and I will speak and tell you what to do. You will have an ear to hear and you will know as I give out the word for, I am always near.