Wars and rumors of War. That is what has been said of this time. But even more, it was so prophesied. Men must prepare as the stage is set and the actors in place. For men will not know and understand the necessity.
Woe be unto all that seek Me not; for in Me, there is strategy.
In Me, there is vision that the unseen may be seen; and everything necessary will be addressed and men will not be picked clean.
For they come to kill an destroy and more, to take from all and enter every door. There is no relief for there will be no police. No one for justice to stand. Just the work of evil men promoting discord all over the land.
So, I say unto all the time is short and I wait with open arms to protect you from the days ahead and protect you from harm.
Come unto Me; it is easy, repent and come in. I will love you and care for you and wash away your sins.
Come. Come quickly that you may know, what to do as I send my word. You will be in tune and every word spoken, heard.