Buyer Beware! Buyer Beware! For men of evil do not care. They look not into the eyes nor hear the screams and the cries. They only seek now, more and more and that which lies behind your doors.
Some men will say of this word, God does not speak that way. It sounds more of the world; not what He would do; just something someone else is saying to you.
But know this and it is true, I will say what I must to get my message through to you.
For many lie and say it’s from Me just to get the things they need. But you know My voice and that which I say. This is just another way.
For all must be warned and understand the consequence that weighs in at every hand. And the more, evil through every door; so, I say it this way. But the message is the same. It is still the reason Jesus came.
So, hear and comply, let not sin win. Know in Me and where you will be; and spend eternity.