As I speak, men must know that I do so to give revelation of that which often times cannot be understood. I give clarity to that which cannot be understood and I bring into light that which is wrong or misunderstood.
In this season, this time, many men have gone forth on their own to give understandings to others. This state, this time has allowed men to speak without true understanding or knowledge of the things of Me.
Even the staple biblical truths have not been used to support every errant idea or thought; and many believe, for they know not the difference. They have not spent the time or made the sacrifice to know Me in any manner.
For now, it is popular and it is easy. But know that there is an eternal payment to be had for the assumed responsibility for that which has gone forth. The ease to which man can now reach others has made such an easy thing to do. Truth without understanding is a lie. The exploitation of the masses is simply sinful. For there must be an understanding; a revelation of that which I desire for men to hear and speak.