Know that in the darkness lies that which has waited. It now seizes the opportunity for there will be no one to call it out or say it exists.
Now is the defining time for there will be no protection from it. Man is neither listening nor concerned. “It is only time” they say to do that which is of concern to them. There is not deep one to come to the call and speak or teach.
So, I will call upon my unknowns. They will come forth. I will teach them and they will learn and they will not be hesitant nor afraid. And they will not lie in pursuit of the riches of man or the pride of their knowledge for there heart is pure and clean.
They will come forth and men will wonder at their knowledge and their powers and the miracles and the words of wisdoms come forth. And they will wonder. But they will not know them nor will they come to be used. They will remain unknown.