As I have told you previously, the “vaccine” will only bring widespread death; for it is not as it seems and it will have an adverse effect on the masses.
Know too, as the door has been released and the guard unseated, that which has lied in wait will come forth quickly. Quickly. And it will cause maximum damage. And it will be unstoppable as it moves from place to place; person to person; for many have stood in wait for this time and now it is time.
He who has guarded the door will not go quietly into obscurity for he knows the seriousness of that which exists and that which is occurring. But an effort will be made to silence him and he will go quietly into hiding; but men will not think or know so.
Then will the stream of evil come forth in the spirit and upon the natural earth. Only will those that will speak for me know of this before it happens, twice. Then will the next 3 events come forth and my chosen will know; but will not speak and then the final, culminating event for this time will my chosen speak for 7 days in advance. Men will seek them out, but I will hide them and shield them.
I say unto man, repent and cling close to Me for the days ahead will be dark for those that do not know Me.