I have told you to prepare for evil is on the way. It seeks only those that did not listen and the weak.
It seeks:
- to take away (as you watch and see) all that you have compiled and all that you will eat
- to change the way of every day
- to change the land into that which is unknown
- to cause confusion and fear
- to tell you what to do and have control over you
Prepare, again I say for it will be the only way. Men will deny, for they will not believe that such a thing would happen and the pain that it would bring.
Hear My words and listen to that which I say. Come unto Me and I will show you the way. For if you will listen to My voice, you will know what to do and where to go.
The time is now and you must believe. Come close to Me so that you will receive of that which I have for you.
I will never leave you alone. I will always be on your side.
Trust in Me and you will see, that which is coming and what will be.