Many will wonder why I am speaking. They will ask “Is this really the Lord speaking or someone else?” “What is the purpose?” Others will say, we can see what’s going on ourselves. “Why do we need someone to tell us and say God said it?” Who are these people? What are they getting out of it??
Know this…
I have called the unknowns to come forth for this time, that My word would be given and man would have the opportunity to come unto Me and deal with that which is, and that which is coming.
These men and women have spent years with Me. They have endured trials and tribulations. Many have given up everything for Me and this time.
It is important to know that I have deliberately kept them hidden; and “I”, “I” have not allowed them to take “credit” or to “gain wealth” for that to which I have given them. I have provided for their needs and will continue to do so.
There are no pots of money to which they have received to do My work. There is no organization that must approve what they do and say. “I” and “I” alone control what is done and said.
Those who are mine, and those filled with My Spirit will know truth and the Spirit will bear witness.
There is much to come in the days ahead and I will release My unknowns to come forth and they will do My work. They will speak as I give them utterance. They will speak with miracles accompanying them. They will still not seek the grandeur of men; the fame and fortune. For in them can I trust.
I say this unto all. Come unto Me. The time is short. Believe in them as you believe in Me. You will know them by their works, not their familiarities of name and actions.
I give this understanding unto you for I desire for all to be saved and enjoy the fruits of eternal life with Me.