October 27, 2020
My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways... time after time I have listened from my throne to the men of the earth who go portraying themselves as royal Kings and Queens with their false royal decrees saying they come from me and I have not spoken a thing. Tell them to stop lying in my name. They lie in my name and yet have no fear from their error. Such arrogance and pride must be dealt with...
I Am the God who sees and hears all. From my holy sanctuary I have listened and watched men control and deceive the masses. This spirit of deception and pride runs rampant in the land. Men have made themselves false gods. They idolize men who puff themselves up to be more than they are. They prophesy folly and lies and to their shame they will be exposed and found out. They lie to one another soothsaying of one another's destiny and their place in me.. They create high ranks amongst one another that I have not ordained and they will be found out. The familiar spirits in the land will be put away. The fruit of their character will be made manifest.
Open your eyes and remember from which you come. You have chosen the ways of man and say it is of me and my Holy Word'.-falsehood and lies have become your portion. Cleanse your souls and repent saith The Holy God of All Creation. Renew your heart and not you garments. You servants of Baal who speak lies in my temple and seduce my people with the seduction of the Queen of Heaven. Repent quickly before I remove you from your place in this life and the next. Your deception will kindle my anger and it is not my desire to do so. I have come to bless and prosper and advance my children and my Sons Kingdom but all who lay in the way to be a stumbling block must be removed. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Will You Serve Me or Men? Will You Serve the Government of your Heavenly King or the Government of Men?
Those who serve Me will see the Government of men come into alignment with My Will in heaven! Only those who survive will see. I will put my spirit within you with the newness of what I Will to be done! I have intervened in this hour and I will conjoin with my people to inspire in all arenas the Kingdom choice.. Rid Baal out of the land and see my Kingdom Glory Prevail!
Many false prophets have spoken and continuously do so for a spot among men. Stop defending them who I have not chosen. Know my heart and then you will know my voice through my true prophets I have chosen in this hour-Look not on their appearance and what standards men have created for success. Look for me and search my heart. My heart is in their mouth.
They will raise their voice and not be silent for I have made them bold like lions and fearless for New change. They will contend against all the strange fire that has been allowed to burn without my permission.. They will refine my church and those who don't listen will be left alone. Many will be sad but it must be done.. A fresh wave of my Glory has come and will not be overcome.