As there has been a famine of the word, so will there be a famine of the needed things. For man has turned himself from Me and engaged in the perverse; the unspoken; the unimaginable.
It is known to all; agreed to by some and cast aside by others. For this will man seek of that which he will not find; a lot to that which he cannot receive.
He will bring darkness upon himself and seek to take all as the strong from the weak. And because he has turned away, that which is unimaginable will come forth; and those to which hold the key will allow it to be so.
Woe be unto evil men that will bring forth such suffering and pain. They will be exposed; but their plans cannot be stopped.
Woe be unto those that pronounce judgments for they will be judged.
Famine will spread across the land; and for mine will I shelter with knowledge and wisdom and they will survive the broken days.
Woe be unto those that bring the chaos and plagues for their punishment will be everlasting. Woe be unto them.