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May 22, 2020

There is much talk and much interference and many have spoken intently of that which they do not know. People have believed and looked to them for direction. What they say and do, has not been in line with my will or way; My desire nor My word. For they have taken upon themselves that they may receive the glory; the accolades; the fanfare and worship. But…… I say unto all, glory belongs to Me. Honor belongs to Me for I am a jealous God; and all that have turned men into themselves will not prevail. For again, will they bend under the pressure. They do not wield the sword and stand tall in Me. They do not dispense that which was given unto them.

But I say, woe be unto man that will not give of that which they have been given. Woe, be unto those that seek the fame and fortune in My name. All that they do will not stand; It will not stand the test of time. I say unto men, come unto me that you may know deep things and be bathed in My love for you.


As I have showed, there is yet a plague upon the land and the understanding of it will not come for years. But as the new issue will come, will man quake with fear and hopelessness for they will not see a way out. They look to government which has split and receive no solace. They will seek out an impotent church which will not know the way. Know this, there is sin in the camp.

There is a list of those that have compromised secretly for wealth and statue; they too have sin in the camp; Those that govern over you have made now a terminal error which will thrust mankind into an irreparable place of disaster. It will go forth for some years before it is finally exposed.

I look and I see. I ask who speak for Me? Who will say that this is not My way? Who will go through the door and stand and speak of that which has occurred throughout the land? Who will speak in power for this hour and not be weak; as the powers come forth their life they seek?

Who will stand and know that I will show you the way to go? Who will believe that I will place my hand of which no man can stop; no man can move; of those that I send to do what I asked them to do? Who will go? Who will say “Me Lord, trust me! I will go!!”

Know this I say, for this is the day and those that will go must move ahead. Listen and prepare to be led. For the days will be hard, but this you must know of the reward that I have for you. So, stand up now and decree My name for all to hear and know and make the decision of who to believe and know where you will go.

My love awaits as it always has. My arms open wide inside; to protect and give you all I have, just invite Me to come inside.

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