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March 18, 2021

There is a work that men must do. There is that which will see them through. And that to which they must know; and there to which they will finally go.

Now men must all see, that in order to truly be free, there is yet but one way. And the day is very short and there is yet time to impart upon the way.

For soon evil comes for all men to see; of that which will cause pain and hurt and that which must be.

I say again, the path is there; that all must know, not one kept unaware.

But it is for men to come forth and plant their feet; and take the way which lies ahead to freedom and victory.

There is yet but one way and so I plead and say, Come, Come unto Me, be forgiven and set free.

Know then where you stand, as evil seeks to take over the land.

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