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June 29, 2020

 My Love In You

Though you have attained many levels of my love in the past, there are many levels of my love you must attain for the present and future. You must live to attain my love all of your life. I have so much love to share and I do not want you to get stuck in the past. Perfect your love in me and let others see it in you. My mercy and compassion is my favorite attribute about Me. Trust Me in you!

I know many in the church are hurting and desire to be loved, but my true church will rise and bring healing to all of my children. I am pouring out my love now in heavy doses and all those willing to sit in my presence and receive it will be renewed and consumed by Me and with Me!

Remember, be bold, honest, truthful and compromise not; and remember to be gracious and merciful and compassionate. Many will hardened their hearts in this season and I need pure vessels of my love to be examples in the earth. They will be able to help undo the hardness of heart life and the enemy has introduced. I will protect those with my heart of love and passion to love like me. They will be able to resist the betrayal and all the fiery darts of the enemy. Come to me and let us be reconciled together. Let neighbor with neighbor rejoice in this hour. My love is the healing for the nation. Will You Come and be healed?

Those that love me will do mighty things in my name and for My Father's Glory! My love in a person will give them permission from my Father to do His Will because these are they who won't bring a mockery to His Holy Name! Holiness will abound and many will want to change from the coming revealed Glory! The revealed Glory is My Love! All blessings and benefits flow from My Love!

I Love You My Children!

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