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June 25, 2020

There are words that you must speak, words that must be said; That which must be done, by those which must be led. The way must be shown to many so at the end; when the battle is done, you will surely win.

And more, open is the door, for men to come in, and learn even the more. For in this time it is true, with all the work to do; that all may be ready and go forth in this war, with souls to glean and an enemy to defeat; strength is the way and knowledge is key.

So, as you walk, this too you must know; yes, there is that which is coming, there is more. Do not fear these times as men will quake, you will stand strong and move on for you know what is at stake.

So, hear me my children and know this too, everyone, everyone has a work to do. From young to old, each has a role and a job to be completed too! Take this time I say unto you, come unto Me so you know what to do.

It is now the time for all to begin and remember in this too, will you win.

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