Spread the Word! Spread the Word! Tell all men of that which you have heard. That the days are short and they must all plan for the plagues and chaos that will come upon the land.
All that men depend, will be gone as many will say, “what is happening?” It’s never been this way. But in Me be assured that you will know what to do and where to go. For you will hear of it before the others will know.
For My prophets will speak and strongly tell the word, and men will know that they have spoken the truth for it is “I AM” that they serve. They look for no profit or gifts for their hands; only to spread the warning all over the lands.
So, tell those that you know to come unto Me quickly that they may be saved. Then that which comes they will not fear, for I will always be near.
Trust Me and do that which I ask of you—Spread the Word!