It is time for mine, to stand up and declare; come forth for all to see that there is safety and protection; it all lies within Me. Know too, no matter what men do, I will be there. I will always meet your needs and you must know. I will give you strategies and show you which way to go.
For now, is the time to be strong in Me that you will hear and see. For dark times come, but men will say “It really isn’t that bad; its not that way.” But know this and it is true, I will show you the way and tell you what to do.
Prepare. Prepare I say it again. You must know that I am with you to the end. But the end is great in your knowledge of Me for I will open your eyes to see. For there is a promise that I will give. In Me will you have an eternal life to live.
So, fear not and stand through the dark days of the land and you will see a light; and in it you will find Me. And know I will shield you and bring you through. Keep your focus on Me and hear my words as I show you what to do.