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June 10, 2020

As you hear the words I speak; you must surely know the days and the times are so short with only a way or two to go. Men must understand what is at hand and just what is at stake. The decisions you make must be sure that there be no mistakes.

For there will be no way to say, take me back for this is not for me! This place is prison, not where I want to be. But prison it is for all to see; for the punishment will last for all eternity. But yet, there is hope an it is no joke, for the key to be free lies with Me; And in a few simply words to which you agree.

So, know this now, for it is time for the choice to made and it is as simple as can be. Come now and look to all I am and the love I freely give to you. The key my child to open your eyes is to simply accept Me.

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