
Whats the real truth
March 9, 2025
I will say unto mine, finally the time of conflict has come forth and it will only surprise those that know Me not; for the have pulled their defenses and prepare to keep that to which they have worked and striven for. They will stop at nothing and turn against anyone. They are ruthless and filled with hate. Hate for men and even greater hate for Me. It is true and soon will their actions demonstrate that. It will be so. Ready. Stand at the ready for the time is now. The time is here. Cry out to Me and I will show you the way.
March 9, 2025
I say now, search yourself. Step away from the words of men and move into the covenant I have given you. Now is the time and men must come forth in understanding, to which I freely give. All must be intentional in the preparation for the days ahead.
March 6, 2025
I say unto mine, why do you wait? Why do you not listen? You have heard my words and now you must come forth and place yourself into the places and the understanding that I have given you. Alert! Alert! Sound the alarm to all for the days are short; the plans of evil men near completion and will soon be executed. Tell those that know Me not! Sound the alarm for evil comes.
February 28, 2025
I say unto Mine, look not unto men for salvation. Trust only in Me. Listen as I speak and execute quickly all that I will tell you. It is time.
February 28, 2025
I say unto mine, Delve into Me and shudder not. Go for the cover that I will provide as I direct you and give unto you. Trust in Me and do not listen to the directions of men.
February 28, 2025
The time is coming soon, be prepared. Do not look at the state of man, but believe that to which I have spoken for there will be no help; no services on that to which you have done which will maintain your existence. Many will look at My words and say, “that is a farst! It cannot happen. They are old and have no knowledge of the way it is. The government will save us! We can always depend that tomorrow will come as it always has!” But will they? I say unto mine: Come close. Come close so you will see the truth; So, you will heed the warning. So, you will survive in the days ahead. It will be so and you must be ready. Trust in Me and I will show you the way.
February 20, 2025
Do not believe the words of mortal men that come forth with “thus saith the Lord” for they come for mammon, fame and glory as they receive from the evil one. They come to bring followers and gain the attention by the signs and wonders “they” bring. Be warned, for their focus will be on themselves and not Me. They will be a distractor made to confuse and to remove those that genuinely seek Me. Woe be unto those that do not hear my voice and allow wicked words to cause you to make the wrong choice. Listen unto Me and you will see “before” that which will comes, comes; and that which will be, will be. Trust only in Me. Seek out no man; for men now only seek that which can be placed in their hands. The time is now to be with Me; to have you ears attuned and your focused on Me, for in all that comes through I will faithful unto you; and all will be well.
February 20, 2025
When the incident occurs you must not fear, but draw close. You must not believe that to which evil men will speak. You must only come unto Me and I will bring truth and dispel the clouds of fear that they will bring.
February 20, 2025
Now you must trust Me and hear, Oh My people! For many cannot and will not see the dangers abroad. They will think it will not occur here or they will say “God is with us. How can we be harmed?” But know this evil ranges are abounding and that to which has been summoned is coming forth. Those that are with Me will hear, see and know. Fear not for even in its way, it will not be unto death for you. I will guard you and protect you. Hear My words and react accordingly.
February 20, 2025
Prepare! Prepare, I beseech thee. Prepare for the coming times. It is not as it seems. Look unto Me and I will give you peace and joy in the days ahead, for I will be with you.
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