You! You my Chosen!!
You, you my chosen. You whom I have given all. You who are trusted with the knowledge and wisdom. I say unto you, My face I turn my face away from you. You have been disobedient; and you have caused great hurt and great harm to come forth to the people which you have been given charge.
You have looked out for yourself; you have looked towards mammon; you have looked towards all that you could steal; all that you could connive; all that you could do that was in direct opposition to that which I have told you.
You leaders! You that have stood in the pulpit around the world to tell people of that what you have not heard from Me; for you have not heard from Me in years.
You have not heard My voice nor have you sought out my voice; but, know this, you will be the first and I will wreak great judgment upon you, I will cause all that you have gained through this means to be lost. I will cause all that you have said and done to be disputed and I will make an open show of many of you.
I will cause you to fall to your knees and then in your distresses will you call Me and say “Lord, Lord, save me now!” but, No, I will turn my face from you. I will not hear your prayers. I will not answer your calls for you have sinned against Me and you have sinned against my people.