It is time. It is your time. You must hear My words and you must believe the words of My prophets. I say unto you (for this time) as I have warned you to prepare; and to prepare; and to prepare. There will still be those that will not hear My word. There will still be those that will not listen and they will be left behind.
I say, once again, it is important and it is time for all men, all men will seek Me out now for there can be no more time. For men have walked into a place of wickedness. Men have walked into a place of betrayal; and they have walked into a place to which there can be no removal. That which occurs will come forth in its grandeur and it will bring forth great destruction and great chaos.
Again, I say unto mine, follow My words. Hear Me. Do as I will tell you. Go as I will show you. Again, I say, do as I tell you and all will be well. For My love for you is never-ending. My love for you is never-ending!! And it is my desire that you reside with Me and you become a part of that to which will come forth as I bring goodness and mercy to mine.