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April 3, 2020

As you see more and more and as the efficiencies ramp up, will you know of the timing of the days ahead. Men have not yet thought of Me. They have yet to know that I am Lord. For they sit among themselves and lift praises unto each other. Many have asked again why what I do such a thing? But it is again I say, the works of man. I hear the cries of mercy, but not of repentance.

And I will give understanding of that which goes through the land, and men will know the power which lies in their hands; And say this too of those that I have called, keep your place on the wall; and seek Me often, that you will see just what is happening and of that which will be.

Know this too for all I see, men must see of Me. And let them know too of the love that could only come unto you from above. And stay in place I say unto you, finish the race for there is much to do. Hear Me and come when I call and you will be confident in this one thing, that I am, that I am, the creator of everything.

Men will sob and men will cry; and I will hear their tears and know the reason why. For in all strength will leave and they will have what they know and what they believe. In Me many do and after all is through, they will say with tear-stained hands, “Lord, forgive and heal the land. Heal the land Lord, please do, for there is nothing that we can do. Heal the land Lord” do so soon we pray, for without you there is no other way. Let us stand with our hands raised unto our eyes and ears open, waiting again to be set free. So here are prayers Lord and when we are through, tell us guide us into the deep place in you, where we will do all that you ask us to.

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